Vol. 48 No. 2 November 2022
Vol. 48 No. 2 November 2022 2022.11.30
Hsiao-hung Iris Wu 吳曉虹(National Taiwan Normal University) & Li-Hsin Ning 甯俐馨 (National Taiwan Normal University) Editorial Assistant/Secretary: Sung-Chuan Hu 胡淞筌





A morphosyntactic and morphosemantic analysis of the Malay FEAR lexeme Siaw-Fong Chung 鍾曉芳 147–173 takut ‘fear’, morphosyntactic and morphosemantic structures, semantic relations, corpus/ takut
(OA) Universality? Cross-linguistic influence? Evidence from Chinese and English apology response strategy use Chi-ting Alvan Chung (鍾季廷), Chun-yin Doris Chen (陳純音) 174–211 apology response, cross-linguistic influence, universality, strategy use
(OA) DEMOCRACY in Taiwanese presidential inaugural addresses Metaphors, source domains, scenarios, and ideologies Hsiao-Ling Hsu (許筱翎), Huei-ling Lai (賴惠玲), Jyi-Shane Liu (劉吉軒) 212–248 democracy, metaphor, source domain, scenario, ideology, political discourse
Expressing the existence of an event with ‘you (to have) + VP’ in Taiwan Mandarin A corpus-based investigation Aymeric Collart (理克), Hung-Kuan Su (蘇洪寬) 249–284 Taiwan Mandarin, ‘you + VP’, corpus linguistics, assertive modality, Tense-Aspect-Modality, syntax
Degree adverbs in spoken Mandarin A behavioral profile corpus‑based approach to language alternatives Pei-Wen Huang (黃姵文), Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen (陳正賢) 285–322 : degree adverbs, behavioral profile, hierarchical cluster analysis, spoken Mandarin, near-synonyms