Vol. 45 No. 2 November 2019
Vol. 45 No. 2 November 2019 2019.11.30
Editors in Chief:
Miao-Hsia Chang (National Taiwan Normal Univeristy) & Shiao-hui Chan (National Taiwan Normal University)





On locative alternation verbs in Mandarin Chinese Pei-Jung Kuo 141-166 locative alternation, motion, change of state, affectedness, locative subject
The obligatory fronting of the undergoer argument in the Mandarin excessive serial verb construction Ying Fan and Man Li 167-191 serial verb construction, excessiveness, obligatory unmarked fronting, argument structure
Two types of possessive passives in Japanese Yunchuan Chen 192-210 Japanese, syntax, indirect passive, possessive passive
(OA) Conceptualization of CONTAINMENT in Chinese (OA paper of Vol. 45) Hung-Kuan Su and Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen 211-245 cognitive semantics, quantitative corpus linguistics, space particles, containment, collostructional analysis, distinctive collexeme
Time passing is relative motion: Conceptualization of time in Chinese Hui-Ju Hsiung and Chao-Jan Chen 246-270 time, space, conceptual metaphor, relative motion, frame, perspective