Vol. 40 No. 1 May 2014
Vol. 40 No. 1 May 2014 2014.05.31
Editors in Chief:
Miao-Ling Hsieh, National Taiwan Normal University & Jing-Lan Wu, National Taiwan Normal University





Exploration of the Phonetic Difference in Stops between Hakka Infant-Directed Speech and Adult-Directed Speech Ming-chung Cheng 1-35 infant-directed speech, adult-directed speech, Hakka, stop, voice onset time
The Left Periphery of Nominal expressions: Perspective Phrase in Mandarin Chinese Hui-Chin Joyce Tsai 37-64 DP periphery, deictic, left periphery, perspective phrase
Semantic Extensions and the Convergence of the Beneficiary Role: A Case Study of Bun and Lau in Hakka Han-Chun Huang 65-94 beneficiary, recipient, deputative, semantic extension, invited inferencing
Automatic Extraction of English Collocations and their Chinese-English Bilingual Examples: A Computational Tool for Bilingual Lexicography Zhao-Ming Gao 95-121 collocation, dependency relation, computational lexicography, parallel corpora, mutual information, t-score, log likelihood ratio